The best real ale pubs in Horsham

Whilst Horsham Pub Guide is mainly focussed on country pubs (at the moment), I'm also interested in pubs in Horsham town centre that serve the best real ale (and support local breweries) so I asked this quick question on Twitter recently.

I received a few replies and several pubs were recommended. No real surprises here if you are a frequent visitor to any of these pubs. However, I've not been to several of them for a while and it was good to see at least one pub here that I wasn't expecting. It just goes to show that it's always worth checking each pub again ... just to make sure (ahem). Anway, in no particular order, here they are:

  • The Tanners Arms (Brighton Road) [2017 update: no longer open]
  • The Malt Shovel (Springfield Road)
  • Anchor Hotel (Market Square)
  • The Lynd Cross (Springfield Road)
  • Piries Bar (Piries Place)
  • The Black Jug (North Street)

Many thanks to John Dalby, Rach Smith, 'Chelle Dean, and Will Ranner who made these suggestions.

Just in case you want to do a little pub crawl, I've created a map of the pubs. Not that they are too difficult to find but after a few pints.....


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    Julian Thompson

    13 Aug 2014 19:36:17

    After shovelling a tonne of sand for the Transition Town allotment, I made for the Tanners to quench my Friday night thirst. The real ale labelled Brunel IPA was brilliant. Dawn made me very welcome, and she and friend took photos of me with them. Best night out for ages. Ooops, the wife might see this!

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    Horsham Pub Guide

    13 Aug 2014 21:02:30

    Yes, always decent beer and a friendly welcome in the Tanners. Excellent pub!

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