Some Pubs are Open

A pint of beer on a table outside the Frog and Nightgown

Some pubs are open now and operating with one metre + distancing in place. It's not every pub because some cannot open under these guidelines and others are reviewing how they can open safely. Yet, after the COVID-19 lockdown, we are seeing a slow return to a degree of normality in the pub sector.

Pubs in Horsham are also taking part in the Eat Out To Help Out scheme. Here is a list of pubs and restaurants in Horsham that are in the scheme.

I recommend calling a pub before you visit because some are asking people to book and some are not open despite being listed in the Help Out scheme.

I suggest that pubs with beer gardens are a better choice at the moment. For example, I visited the Frog and Nightgown yesterday evening, sat in their beer garden and it was perfectly civilised. The pub has a one way system through the small bar area, a food pick-up point, a beer glass drop-off point, and signs asking everyone to follow distancing. Nice work by this pub.

However, other pubs nearby without beer gardens are shut and that's probably a sensible choice. I applaud any pub that has decided not to open because they cannot do so safely at the moment.

Overall, being able to have a drink in a pub again is a welcome return to "normal life" but I'm still a bit cautious. Take care if you are visiting a pub and follow all distancing measures in place.

  • Don't forget, many small breweries and some pubs are providing beer deliveries and take-outs - > Beer Essentials.


  • Gravatar image of the commenter

    19 Mar 2021 11:29:00

    Can’t wait to have a nice cold one again. Only 9 days until we’re allowed to have a beer with friends outdoors and 23 days until the beer gardens open!

  • Gravatar image of the commenter

    19 Mar 2021 11:59:20

    Agreed 200%! Just in time for the Spring and Summer weather.

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